Sunday 28 February 2016

Attack is the Best form of Defence.

As the proverb says, attack is the best form of defence... You just can't sit in cocoon and try to create a shield around yourself , if you do so you are harming yourself by taking up the pressure of outside world over yourself and just not fighting back with them, if you do it on regular basic than people have a general tendency to consider you as a underdog as you won't fight back. If you try to become soft cotton rather than a confident person with pain, you need to become as hard as coconut from outside and as soft as coconut pulp from inside. If you don't  do so you will always have a weak heart, a heart which can't bear anything neither a bit of pressure nor a bit of happiness.


So , when you attack you overcome your fear, you start to learn you feel pain and as quotes says, "no pain, no gain", only pain gives you the confident to fight, to overcome obstacles of your life, to stand back after falling and chase your dream back, to fight with the world to achieve your dreams, most importantly to achieve your happiness. So for having a good personality a person should not only have a good attack as well as equally good defence than only a person can move equally with the pace of fast moving world which waits for no one . So, finally attack is best form of defence because when you attack you neither give your opponent a chance nor you disclose your weakness.

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