Tuesday 31 January 2017

The search for LOVE

The four letter word LOVE, probably the most powerful word in the world. A magical word which has the potentiality to overcome all worries, problems of life. The energy that is present in word LOVE perhaps the most powerful it can make you do things which are next to impossible, it can move mountains and make miracles. No one can actually define the power of love, we live in life where we are constantly looking for the love in one or the other relation, so many of us are looking for that love, yet we often miss one of the most obvious places to find Love -- ofcourse within ourselves. The problem with the people are  they are surrounded by the people who love them but they don't value them when they are close to them, they look for love in those places where they know they won't get that but they forget the love people are showering on them, it's true we are too busy in collecting stones that we forget that there were diamond as well.
The question comes what is the factor that tells you yes that's the person whom you were looking for..

  1.  They treat you with respect.

    Love without respect seldom survives. They love you but more than that, they respect you, your choices and who you are as a person.
    They don’t demean, insult or undermine you in any way. In fact, they look up to you, just like you look up to them!
  2. He gives you your space

    They don’t go all Sherlock Holmes on your Facebook account or your Whatsapp or anywhere else for that matter. They give you the space you need and doesn’t feel the need to quiz you about your whereabouts or your company every time you go out without him.
  3.  But sometimes also gets a tad jealous. It’s kinda cute!

    When they see a guy/girl hitting on you or eyeing you admiringly they get little pangs of jealousy which they try to hide, but fails to, most of the time. You know they trust you and that this is just a natural feeling to have. It’s sweet, isn’t it?
  4. They get along with your bestie and remembers his/ her birthday!
    They know this person means the world to you and they make an effort to get along with him/ her. They are thoughtful when it comes to remembering his/ her birthday or selecting a gift for him/ her. Your bestie gets along with him well and that’s saying something!
  5. They listen.

    Really listens. They don’t surf the web or go through his WhatsApp while you are talking to him. He gives you honest answers and offers an unbiased opinion when you need him to. Else he is just happy to be there for you too!
  6. The person’s seen you do the weirdest of things (literally) and he still thinks you’re awesome!

    Yup, he’s helped you wash your face after you threw up after binge-drinking at a party, he’s seen you throw a tantrum after a tough day at work, cry when you’re too tired, shout when you’ve had a fight with your mom or bestie, and even eat like a pig. And guess what? It doesn’t bother him!

  7. There is no room for petty power games, no tug of war of egos. Woohoo!

    Insecurity? Jealousy? What are those? Your man never lets you feel in the least bit like you have to compete for his attention. Whether he’s out for lunch with his (super-hot) co-worker or drinks with a female friend, you know you have nothing to worry about. He makes it super clear to you and to everyone else where his heart really lies.
  8. Being supportive of your dreams and aspirations could be his job at this point - probably your dreams are his/her now!! 

    You love heavy metal and they don’t know the first word about it... But they will still get you concert tickets because they love you. They do not undermine your career choices in any way and in fact, encourages you to do what you love!
  9. The person will be like your very own backup army, yet he isn’t afraid of being brutally honest with you. 

    He never wants to hurt your feelings, but he’s not afraid of calling you out when you’re wrong. And if someone is doing you wrong in any way at all, it infuriates him almost as much as it upsets you. He knows you’re capable of taking care of yourself, but he has made it amply clear to you that he’s right there if you need backup!  
  10. Making random plans for the future that include him? NOT a problem.

    words like ‘we’ and ‘our’ instead of  ‘I’ and ‘my’. This little thing actually means a LOT, trust us.

  11. Your friends sometimes crack jokes about being ready to pay you to say you’ve have had enough of each other.

    You don’t even know what that means, really, because when you’re together, you always have an amazing time. You could be staying in and watching a movie, out for dinner or a crazy night about town - or just sitting together and doing your own thing in complete silence. Whatever the scenario, you can’t think of a better partner to have.
  12. They are not afraid of letting their guard down with you.

    Whether it's discussing how tough things have been at work lately, talking about his deepest fears or confessing his truest feelings for you, he isn’t being at all shy or reserved and hiding his more sensitive side from you. Trust us, that’s pretty rare! 
  13. They make sure to let you know (at least once in a while) how important you are to him/her.

    If you like getting flowers randomly - he’ll get you some; you love hand-written cards or letters - even if it’s a one-liner, he has tried; you love sightseeing - guess who's up at 7 a.m. on a Sunday to do just that with you? He does things, big or small, to let you know that you’re on his mind and that you mean something to him.  
  14. They never make you second-guess his feelings for you.

    He lets you and the world know you’re his girl. You never have to worry about him hiding that part of his life from anyone or going behind your back to hurt your feelings. He is what he is - right in front of you and everyone else.

  15. Even if they don't say it all the time, they really mean the words ‘I love you’ when they say them.

    Go give him/her a hug already! He's really, really does love you a lot.


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