Tuesday 12 September 2017

Judgemental World

let them judge you,
for who you are,
they are there to only judge you,
whatever you do,
they will judge you.

The world is more or less is made only to Judge you,
let's not that make you change yourself,
you are beautiful in your own way,
no one is perfect in this world,
so are you.
Perfection is not to achieve,
perfection is what to look within,
if world would be so perfect,
I say people won't be crying for themselves.

Everyone is struggling.
Everyone is facing,
problems are made to make you,
problems aren't made to break you.

Remember, diamond and pebbles have the same quality,
but pressure is what makes the difference,
become the diamond with the flaw,
then the pebble with perfection,
and let the world Judge you.

Coz only true one will value the Diamond,
others will be busy collecting the pebbles.  

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