Tuesday 25 October 2016

Some Amazing Lines

"You gave me 3 chances to stab you, why can't you give me one to please you...??", he tried convincing again.
"Because it's only him who can make me feel the roses, the breeze and the rains," she clarified.

Frustrated couple send their parents to "Old age Home"
And, the owner of the old age home booked a room for them too, for future.

"Why you keep on checking her DP every night..??", He was asked
"To figure out why someone stays in the contact list when there is no contact", He replied

He had to let her go;
She's his princess since forever;
He's happy but his eyes were moist;
It was her marriage,
He could not cry, because father doesn't cry in front of his daughter.

This night, "Good Night" they wished each other was not the same as before.
Maybe...Because it was for the last time.
A Final Goodbye!!!

"Why don't you write her name in your stories anymore?"
"Because, now, I feel no need of it. She gets it anyway. "

"Your eyes are beautiful; I can see the world in them."
"I can't see the world through this blind eyes; but I can see how beautiful you are."

"Love hurts" he was told.
"I would love the hurt part," he said smilingly!

"What's wrong in 'Falling in Love'?"
"Is the word 'Falling'. Because true love helps you rise, not fall."

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