Thursday, 25 August 2016

45 Truths About People, Relationships, And The Rollercoaster Of Life

45 Truths About People, Relationships, And The Roller coaster Of Life

Life, with its many twists and turns, cannot be compared to any other solitary thing. Life is too deep, wide, strange, evocative, breathtaking, challenging, and remarkable to be like anything that exists inside it.
During times of joy, it is easy to see the upsides of life. We celebrate as an infusion of fresh life and energy is added to our sphere of existence. Graduating school, obtaining a new job, getting married, finding an amazing new group of friends, moving to a new town, getting promoted, and completing a massive passion project are some of the important events we may experience in life. Life is certainly a gift — the greatest gift of all.
However, if we’re being honest with ourselves, there are just as many heartbreaking and motivation-weakening moments in life as there are good times. At least, the hard moments hit us as strongly as the great ones do. It can be hard to bounce back from a defeat, loss, or betrayal, even for the most resilient of individuals.
Life gets ugly sometimes. Life can be painful — extremely painful, even. We lose things we never thought would disappear. We encounter obstacles we never imagined would stand in our way. We walk away from agonizing conversations we never thought we’d have to be a part of.
Life becomes a battle. It’s a daily choice between good and better, action and laziness, clarity and confusion, hope and hopelessness. We don’t always know if we’re going to make it out, or how far we’ll get at all. We lean on our most trusted of friends and family to provide what strength they can for us, and we swear to ourselves we’ll repay them with goodness when our time comes.
We press on into the unknown, giving uncertainties our best shot and taking action with what we’ve been given. Life is about finding honest ways to triumph over our struggles, and sharing that beauty with others. Here are 43 quotes and truths about people, relationships and the roller coaster of life.

1. Be A Voice 

Be a voice, not an echo: speak what you feel don't repeat what others say.

2. Don’t Be Afraid Of Being Different

Don't be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.
People laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at them because all are same.

3. Courage Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Get Afraid

Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you.

4. Loving People For Who They Are

Love people for who they are and not for who you want them to be. That's where the disconnection starts.

5. When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going

You never really know the true quality of someone's character until the road gets rocky. 

6. Some Walks You Have To Take Alone

Some walks you have to take alone.

7. If Life Can Remove A Loved One…

"If life can remove someone you never dreamed of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dream of having."

8. Knowing Your Own Darkness

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.

9. Being You

We meet no ordinary people in our lives. If you give them a chance, Everyone has something amazing to offer.

10. Sensitivity

"I've finally accepted that sensitive is just how I was made. I don't have to change that; I don't have to fix something that's not broken."

11. Integrity

 No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.

12. Be Somebody

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.

13. Be Strong

Be strong, But not rude.
Be kind, But not weak.
Be bold, But not bully.
Be humble, But not timid.
Be proud, But not arrogant.

14. The Best Kind Of Love

The best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself.

15. You Are Always Responsible For How You Act

You are always responsible for how you act no matter how you feel. REMEMBER THAT!

16. You Do Not Find The Happy Life

You do not find the happy life - you make it.

17. There’s No Need To Be Perfect

There's no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.

18. The Most Desired Gift Of Love

The most desired gift of Love is not diamond or roses or chocolates. It is focused attention.

19. Sometimes It’s Hard To Do This

Sometimes it's hard to open your hand, but you need to..

20. Respect Is Earned

Respect is earned. 
Honesty is appreciated.
Trust is gained.
Loyalty is returned.

21. Everything In Life Is Easier When You Do This

Everything in life is easier when you don't concern yourself with what everybody else is doing.

22. Your Life Only Gets Better When You Do This

Your life will only gets better when you do work on yourself and the rest will follow.

23. Don’t Find Someone That’s Perfect

Don't find someone that's perfect; find someone that makes you feel that way. 

24. Never Sacrifice These Three Things

Never sacrifice these three things,

25. Pick Your Battles

Pick your battles. You don't have to show up to every arguments you're invited to.

26. Life Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect

Life doesn't have to be perfect. It's meant to be beautiful.

27. A Strong Woman Does This

A strong women accepts both compliments and criticism graciously, knowing that it takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.

28. We All Make Time For These Things In Life

We all make time for what we feel is important in our lives.

29. Don’t Fear Your Enemies

Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.

30. People Will Judge You By Your Actions

People will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg.

31. This Is The Greatest Cruelty

The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others.

32. Time Decides Who You Meet In Your Life

Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behaviors decides who stays in your life.

33. I’m Stronger Because I Had To Be

I'm strong b'coz I had to be,
I'm smarter b'coz of my mistakes,
Happier b'coz of my sadness I've known,
and Now wiser b'coz I learned.

34. Not Everyone Thinks The Way You Think

Not everyone thinks the way you think, knows the things you know, believes the things you believe nor acts the way you would act. Remember this and you will go a long way in getting along with people.

35. Never Explain yourself to anyone

Never explain yourself to anyone because the person who likes you doesn’t need it and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.

36. If You Want Something You Never Had…

If you want to have something you never had you've got to do something you've never done. Remember For everything that you have missed,you have gained something else,and for everything you gain,you lose something.It is about your outlook towards life,You can either regret or rejoice .The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret,Self discipline is the biggest investment for success in life.

37. Pick Your Five Favorite Books

Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you'd most like not to lose.

38. Sometimes You’ve Got To Be Able To Listen To Yourself

Sometimes you've got to be able to listen to yourself and be okay with no one else understanding.

39. Change Your Own Circumstances

Change your own circumstances instead of expecting your circumstances to be changed by someone else.

40. 3 Types Of People To Surround Yourself With

3 types of people to surround yourself with:
1) The inspired
2) The excited
3) The grateful 

Monday, 15 August 2016

8 Signs It’s Time To Break Up With A Friend

8 Signs It’s Time To Break Up With A Friend (Even If You Feel Deeply Sorry)

Deciding whether or not to break up with a friend can feel like a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Yet when considered logically, it could clearly be the healthiest choice.
As we go through life, we naturally make new acquaintances and form friendships with a select few. While we put great importance on carefully choosing who we let in, we should remember to cut ties with those who start to drag us down.
It’s really nothing to feel ashamed of. Naturally, people change and you may find yourselves in totally different places. Don’t assume that friends must always be forever, at times it simply can’t be fixed or reconciled. Sometimes you’ve got to consider your own long-term happiness and keep your social circle lean.
It can be a painful experience a friendship changes for the worst, but there’s no need to prolong the hurt. If your relationship possesses any of these eight indicators, it may be time gracefully part ways!

1. Your Relationship Has Become One-Sided

If your relationship has fallen off-balance and shows no sign of returning, it’s likely they don’t value you as you do them. Constantly having to pursue a friend without much return is terrible, it can even harm your self-worth.
If you’ve let your friend know and it still hasn’t made a difference, quit wasting your energy and let them go!


2. Manipulating and Controlling Behavior Runs Rampant

Stop to reflect on your relationship for a second, have you lost sight of being the real you? If you feel you’re no longer being authentic, relationship toxicity will be building up. Consider whether you or your friend manipulating each other, and why?
Healthy friendships are about sharing the depth of our character, not exploiting each other. If this is the case, it may be time to reassess the whole relationship.


3. They Are Dragging You Down With Them

Are you starting to feel guilty by association? If your friend has a questionable character or behavior, you may want to consider how it reflects back upon you. If they regularly exhibit bullying behavior, others may start to see you in the same light. Or worse yet, it may start to bring out the bully in you!
You’ve got to be careful with who you align or associate yourself with, you may pick up their qualities and mannerisms too.

4. There’s Spiteful Jealous and Furious Competition Between You

Your friendship is well on truly on the rocks if you find yourselves in bouts of jealousy and ruthless one-upping. The constant need to prove yourselves to each other is exhausting rather than comforting.
Remember, friendships should be empowering and encouraging not antagonizing!

5. The Best Thing Between You is History

Sometimes, we find ourselves holding onto lifelong friends for little more than the rich history. But what’s the point of holding on if the only positive part is a recollection of a childhood friendship. You’re now living in the present, where you, your friend and life may be radically different.
The last thing you want to do is hold onto stale relationships purely out of historic honor!


6. They No Longer Contribute Anything Positive to Your Life

Sometimes we’ve simply got to stand up for ourselves. If someone does nothing but bring us down, we must respect ourselves enough to let them go. Friends should be a natural extension of your life, as you should be to theirs.
Whether it’s cheering each other up, spurring each other on or even just having a laugh together. Everyone contributes something different, but make sure it’s positive!


7. The Negative Situations Over-Shadow the Positive Ones

If the bad has begun to outweigh the good, it’s likely your friendship is beginning to sour. A friendship should be mutually beneficial and make both of you happy, not provoke emotional situations or altercations.
While an occasional fallout is quite common, having consistent problems is a strong indicator of incompatibility.

8. They Are Chipping Away At Your Self-Esteem

True friends provide a crucial support system for each other, especially within the associated stresses of modern living. Whenever either one has problems, troubles or doubts, their buddies will rally to provide moral support. This single most important aspect of friendships is raising each other’s self-esteem.
Breaking up with a friend is never easy, but if they are working against your self-confidence and causing you to doubt yourself, it’s definitely time to jump ship!

Friday, 12 August 2016

Love Yourself First, Or No One Else Will

Love Yourself First, Or No One Else Will

It’s natural to want to be loved by someone else, and to share your love with others. However, so many people are so eager to please those around them and to remain in a relationship at all costs that they lose sight of themselves and can barely muster up the energy required grant themselves approval, let alone love.
This is a tragedy as you must love yourself before loving another. Remember, no healthy person wants a co-dependent partner who relies on them for self-validation. Everyone, whether single or not, should aim to be comfortable with themselves and learn how to practice self-love. Read on for some inspiring quotes that will help you along your path to greater self-love.

1. “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

Depending on other people for approval is a risky strategy. Sure, when others gift us with love and approval it can seem easy to power through all of life’s challenges. However, if and when this approval is withdrawn (as it may be for many reasons), your self-esteem and drive will evaporate unless you can fall back upon self-love. Set your own goals and prove to yourself that you can meet them without approval or input from outside sources.

2. “Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.” – Parker Palmer

If you lead a busy life, putting everyone else’s needs before your own can become a regular habit. However, if you don’t tend to your basic needs (relaxation, exercise, time alone, a good diet, time for fun), you will end up resenting others around you. This robs you of the opportunity to not only love yourself, but to form healthy relationships with others. Work out what you need to be happy, and concentrate on meeting them on your own terms.

3. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”

Even if you are in a relationship, without self-love you will struggle to appreciate compliments and praise give to you by your partner. This is because those who do not love themselves typically have a poor self-image, and so will not believe that others could think well of them. Being single is a great time in which to develop feelings of true self-love. If and when someone comes along with whom you can share your life, their approval will simply be an additional source of happiness.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

5 Questions You Must Answer to Find Your True Path in Life

5 Questions You Must Answer to Find Your True Path in Life

For many people out there, walking the path of life is not much different than exploring uncharted territories. Many of us stop from time to time and ask ourselves questions such as: “Am I doing this right? How is, what I’m doing, contributing to others or me? How do I know that this is what has to be done? If not, is there a guide I can read and memorize?”
These questions are pretty much similar to those trying to reveal the answer that lays behind true happiness. If you are hoping to get a straight answer, you will get disappointed. Life is not that simple to be defined in just one sentence. If you would like to get to know yourself better and be able to find your true path in life here are some questions you will have to find answers to.

1. Why Do You Want to Find Your True Path in Life?

One thing is clear, you want to bring some changes to your life. Being honest about why you want to achieve that can provide you with a powerful incentive that will drive you towards your goals. Write down the things that cross your mind when you think of your whys.
Your reasons should be important only for you. You are a unique person with unique needs and wishes. There is no better way to learn responsibility, but to try and make your own spot in this world. Be open to ask for help and accept it, this way you can strengthen your commitment. You can always consider talking with a psychologist. Together, you can work on setting attainable goals and work on possible issues that are preventing you from taking the first step.

2. What Activities Make You Lose Yourself in Time?

Can you recall the time when you were a child and when your parents literally had to drag you from something you were doing? That child is still somewhere deep inside of you. If you want to give true meaning and purpose to your life it is time to wake it up.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Why Writing A Personal Essay Is An Emotional Roller Coaster

Writing A Personal Essay Is An Emotional Roller Coaster

With the ability to post anything online, more and more people are starting to write personal essays. Some of them are being published on big sites, which opens their window to millions of people. People across the world can read your essay, hear what you have to say, and judge you. This last factor is the one which adds a strong emotional element to writing a personal essay.
If you belong to Generation Y, you are already familiar with the way people judge you and your actions and how they say you “just want attention.” It’s common for people who read articles online to judge the writer for what he or she says, and when the article they are reading is personal, there is a lot of emotion involved. Sharing your personal thoughts and feelings with the world is scary, and can even be traumatizing in some cases. It’s like you’ve returned to high school and all those mean kids are still there to judge you and shame you — only now you are an adult and the world is judging you.
Are people who write personal essays in need of attention? Perhaps, but the real reason they write is to be heard! I am sure I speak on behalf of most people who write personal essays when I say we want to draw attention to facts, not to ourselves. Sharing a very personal story is hard, but when someone decides to do this, it’s always for a good reason, not just for attention on themselves.
Celebrities often use their own notoriety to speak their minds about the latest news or events. Take for example J.K. Rowling’s Brexit essay, or any other Big Celebrities writing the casting couch experience. Because celebrities do this frequently, people see them as influencers, but when the girl next door shares her own experience, she might be taken as someone who is trying to draw attention to herself. This might be due to the fact we are used to celebrities drawing attention to themselves, so when someone does something a celebrity usually does, the first instinct is to think they are in need of attention.

A personal essay refers to one’s life — a real person went through situations which left a mark on them. When the mark is deep, you feel the need to speak up and tell others about your experience. For example, if you had a bad past experience in your teen age, you will feel the need to share your experience so that other teens will read and think twice
before taking the next step. But you always have to accept the fact your essay will stir up mixed emotions and will turn you into a target for bullying and tough criticism. Readers will perceive your writings in millions of ways. They will often forget that it’s your own life they are judging. You have to accept this before even writing the first word of your essay.

With a personal essay, you want to stir up reactions. So, even if you receive negative feedback, you should be proud of your accomplishments. Many people can write an essay, but few can ignite passions and emotions in their readers, so when you see that your article triggers comments, you need to be proud of yourself. For a reader to take his or her time to comment on an article, they need to be touched by that article to the core — which is not an easy thing. Be glad when you are able to touch people in this way because it means they heard you. They read your article and learned about your experience. Regardless if they want it or not, a piece of your life will stick with them forever, influencing them in a teeny tiny way.

Writers, keep writing, and readers, keep commenting on our articles so we can get inspired!