Friday, 22 April 2016

Inspiring Quotes

1) "Make yourself a priority once in a while. It's not's necessary...."

2) "If you stay, stay forever. If you go, go today,
     If you change, change for the better.
     If you talk, make sure you mean what you say...."

3) "Most of the problem in your life are due to two reasons: you act without thinking or think without acting.."

4) "Sometimes you keep your feelings to yourself because it's hard for someone else to understand them.."

5) "Sometimes, all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.."

6) "I need to write about the rainbow, but I'm afraid of the flood..."

7) "And in the end, we were all just on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.."

8) "It is very easy to hurt someone and then say, 'sorry'. But it's very difficult to get hurt and say, 'I am Fine'.."

9) "Stay strong, make them wonder how you're still smiling..."

10) "That's what careless words do, they make people love you a little less..."

11) "Of course, walk slowly but never walk backwards..."

12) "The way you see yourself, and the way other see you, are two very different things..."

Thursday, 21 April 2016

एक कहानी ज़िन्दगी की

ज़िन्दगी ना  रुकी है कभी, ना तुम्हारे लिए ना मेरे लिए ,
दिन ब दिन  बीते  गए  , साल  ब  साल निकलते  गए , 
तुम मुझे भुलाते रहे , मैँ  तुम्हे  भूल ना सका ,
तुम चल दिए अपनी ज़िन्दगी में अपने मुखाम पाने के लिए । 

तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी बदली ,
तुम्हारे दोस्त बदले ,
बदला यह सारा जहाँ ,

पर आज भी मेरे  दिल में वो यादें ताजा है ,
तेरी  उन  बातो को आज भी  मैँ भुला ना सका , 
मैँ  चाह के भी उन्हें मिटा ना सका   ,
मैँ  चाह के भी तुम्हे  भुला ना सकु    
होके जुदा तुमसे जुदा ना हो सकु ।

वो यादें हि है तुम्हारी जो ,
मुझे खुशियों में उदासी सी दे  जाती  है ,
वो यादें हि है तुम्हारी जो ,
मुझे दर्द में भी , होंठो   पे मुस्कान सी दे  जाती  है । 

जब सोचता हुँ , उन्ह लम्हों  को ,
तो ना जाने क्यों , एक हसी सी छूट जाती है चेहरे पे ,
मानो वो हसी कह  रही हो ,
मैँ  बना तुम्हारे लिए , तुम बनी मेरे लिए ,
पर  ये ज़िन्दगी ना रुकी कभी ना तुम्हारे लिए , ना मेरे लिए । । 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Key to Success

1) "Never let the same person waste your time twice..."

2) "If you want to be original in this world prepare to be copied..."

3) "My selfies are stronger than your relationship.."

4) "Inside every self-made man is a poor kid who followed his dreams.."

5) "The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does."

6) "I focus on money more than people because I never met a Dollar I didn't like."

30 Interesting Facts of Life.

  •  "If you announce your goals to others, you're less likely to succeed."
  •  Psychologically proven, "It only takes 4 minutes to fall in Love."
  •  "Some of us are actually afraid of being too happy because of the fear that something tragic might happen next."
  •  "Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury."
  •  "Closing your eyes helps you remember things."
  •  "Your favorite song is your favorite because you associate an emotional event with it."
  •  "Scientists claim most Internet trolls are narcissistic, sadistic and psychopathic in nature."
  •  "Convincing yourself you slept well tricks your brain into thinking it did."
  •  "If you have a crush on someone your brain will find it impossible to lie to that person."

Sunday, 3 April 2016

15 One Line Stories.

1) "My wedding cost $6700 and my divorce cost $16425, both were worth it. "

2) "Wrong number said a familiar voice."

3) "The fool didn't know it was impossible, so he did it."

4) "The hungry innocent didn't even get a piece of bread,
but the picture was sold in millions in which that boy was said."

5) "He started at it, as it slowly burned his fingers, but that was after it had burnt his marriage, his future and his lungs."

Worth Reading Quotes

1) "Do not worry losing your love, worry losing the confidence to love someone again."

2) "Just because it's acceptable doesn't mean it's not a crime."

3) "Judging is a waste of time, appreciate it or let it go."

4) "There comes a point in man's life when he needs no one to be happy."

5) "You can tell a lot about a person's nature by observing how he is driving in a busy lane and on a free highway."

6) "There is cost of being loved, and price to love."

7) "Being silent and not speaking are two different things. Learn the difference."

8) "Age is merely an excuse to hide the stupidity."