Wednesday 28 September 2016

2 Liner

 2 Liner

1) He wanted to say 'I love you', but keeps it to good night,
    because 'Love' means some falling and she's afraid of height.

2) What's wrong in 'falling in Love'?
     Is the word 'falling'. Because true love helps you rise, not fall.

3) 2 Golds, a Silver and a Bronze.
    'Disabled' the society called, 'Differently abled' they proved.

4) "We care about you and the memories you share" A line highlights on FB home screen.
    A computerized message, but still, solace to a Loner.

5) "Why you keep on checking her DP every night..??" He asked.
    "To figure out why someone stays in the contact list when there is no contact". He replied.

6) There are two things in life.
    One to, be saluted by others.
    And second to, salute others.
    Yours choice between two, will decide YOU.

7) 'The Humiliation of Rejection'
            'The Loss of Love'
    ... He is yet to figure it out.

8) Even though He always try to write it beautifully,
    But still, He feels his word never do justice to her grace.

9) "Love Hurts" he was told.
    "I would love the hurt part", he said, smilingly!

10) "I love your notes" confessed a flute.
      "No strings attached" a guitar sighed.

11) "Conscious" defeated "ego" on the battlefield of mind.
       ....won a kingdom named LOVE.

12) His heart was sugar,
      Got dissolved in her water like words.